FRUIT FLIES TPS FRO A BND YOUAN TRUST: Forany decades, Ridhaen a wellwn trted brad in home pest cotrol solutis. While we std by the quality the Raid , your hiness and satfction isstill of topmostprority. If in case you're unhappy with your purase of The Raid for kitchen and food prep areas, pase let usnow iedtely so we can do everying to irove your overall expence
360-DAY SUPPLY OFRUIT F CHAT WORK: cause The Raid useood-sedures that easily attrac all major species of gnats, the flies w'be able to resist eering t pented holes of the apple-shaped ido bug trap. Once the frut fliesnter e gnatbug traps, they'll be unable to eapnd evelly drn. With 3 sets of 2-pk Raid you get a total of 12 lure attrats good for 360 days (when using only one catcher at a me)
THE ONLY FRUIT FLY TRAP INDO FOOD PEP AREASNEED: When looking for an easy way to get rid of s that are anuance to food prep & dinin areas, don't just rely on ordry flkiller indoor traps, sticky fl trap paper or Trust the Raid . This apple-shaped f for inside your home eailyttracts, captures & keeps gnats from multiplying. Protect fruits, vegetables & other food its from those pesky insects only with the aid
CONVENIENT & REUSABLERUI FL: The est part about The Raid is that not only is it efftive in aracting and trapping fruit flies but also, they arenat raps that are so easy to use. All you need to do is put he ureattractant insie, add water up to the fill line, then close. Once the is, you just throw the contents out then clean with wrm soapy water to reuse. Replace the fuit fly attractant every 30 days or until the trap is ful
EFFECTIVE INSECT TRAPS FOR FOOD AREAS: With these traps, you can rest assured that your fruits and other food products won't come into contact with harmful pesticides. These adorable apple-shaped gnat traps utilize food-based refills that have no insecticides, making them perfectly safe to keep around storage and food preparation areas in your home.